Can I Do Yoga After a Tooth Extraction?

Mile High Smiles in Lakewood, CO

What You need to Know...

Here at Mile High Smiles, we perform tooth extractions for a variety of reasons. In most cases, Dr. Brian Levitin will recommend a tooth extraction if your tooth is severely infected and simply can’t be saved. He may also suggest this procedure if you’re dealing with structural issues or your wisdom teeth are causing or may cause damage down the road.

The good news is that tooth extractions are quick and painless. Contrary to belief, you can receive a tooth extraction and go home that day without too much discomfort. Before a tooth extraction, rest assured Dr. Levitin will administer a local anesthetic to numb your tooth area.

When it’s time for the extraction to begin, he’ll use special tools to loosen your teeth gently. Then, Dr. Levitin will use forceps (a fancy term for tweezers) to slowly but surely remove the tooth from your mouth. You’ll return home and stick to a soft foods diet of foods like yogurt and applesauce.

If you lead an active lifestyle, you may be wondering whether you can practice yoga after a tooth extraction. Within the first 24 hours, Dr. Levitin will ask you to take it easy and rest as much as you can. The next day, however, you may begin low impact activities like yoga, and stretching as long as you feel good. So, go ahead, put on your Lululemon leggings and head to the closest yoga studio to you after 24 hours.

In the event you experience any pain or pressure while you’re doing yoga, stop immediately. This means your body hasn’t completely healed and you need to continue to rest. After a few days, you may resume your regular exercise routine and any cardio. If you’re taking painkillers, it’s a good idea to wait until you’re done with them. Remember that sometimes a crown is an alternative to getting a tooth extracted.

Schedule Your Appointment at Mile High Smiles

If you have any questions about a tooth extraction or would like to know if you need one, contact our office today. We can be reached at 303-232-1830 and look forward to hearing from you!

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