Can You Work Out After a Root Canal?

Mile High Smiles in Lakewood, CO

What You need to Know...

We’ve all heard of the dreaded dental term “root canal.” However, root canals don’t have to be bad and are a routine procedure done by many dentists and endodontists (root canal specialists)! A root canal is a dental procedure in which the infected or dead pulp, also known as “nerve,” of your tooth is removed, cleaned of any infection or bacteria, and filled back in with artificial root material. A temporary filling is also placed to seal the hole afterwards which needs to be permanently restored after the healing process is over by your general dentist.

The question is- how should you take care of yourself after getting a root canal? You may have an active lifestyle and be wondering, can I work out after getting my root canal? The short answer is no, it’s not recommended. Here’s why:

After any procedure, the best thing to do is allow your body to heal. You should listen to your body and pay attention to the signs it will give you during the recovery period. If you attempt to do strenuous activity and feel any throbbing or aching, this is an indicator that you’re doing too much and need to slow down.

Ideally, you should not participate in any activity that will increase your blood pressure. An increase in blood flow can actually cause more swelling and inflammation to occur, making your recovery process last longer and be more painful than necessary. The best thing you can do for yourself after a root canal is to take it easy. It’s recommended that you don’t work out, do any heavy lifting, or any other strenuous activity that can increase your heart rate and blood pressure for at least 48 hours after your procedure. To manage any symptoms that may occur, taking ibuprofen (Advil) is best for combatting pain and inflammation that may arise after your root canal.

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