Are Dental Implants or Dentures Better? Pros and Cons

Mile High Smiles in Lakewood, CO

What You need to Know...

If you’re coping with tooth loss, dental implants and dentures may be viable treatment options. Dental implants are metal devices that are surgically inserted into your jawbone under your gums.

They serve as the base on which a dentist can mount replacement teeth. Dentures, however, are removable replacements for missing teeth and the surrounding tissues. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of each of these treatments.

Dental Implants


The greatest benefit of dental implants is that they appear and function like real teeth. If you opt for dental implants, you won’t have any issues speaking or chewing. Dental implants are stable and secure and fused with bone to create artificial roots.

When they are properly cared for, dental implants can last a lifetime. They come with very little inconvenience and are incredibly comfortable once they are placed and you get used to them.


Unfortunately, not everyone is eligible for dental implants. You must have healthy bones since the implants are inserted into them. Since dental implants require a surgical procedure, with this there is a risk of complications. It may also take up to six (6) months for the implants to completely fuse with the jawbone. While this six month process is not enjoyable, all of our patients are very pleased with the final result.



Dentures can be completed in two to six weeks so they do not involve a significant time commitment and may be right for you if you lead a busy life. After you go through a short adjustment period with dentures, they will look and feel completely natural. Nobody will be able to tell you’re wearing them.


The most noteworthy drawback of dentures is that they are not a permanent solution. Your facial structure may change as you wear them and you may require the need for new dentures if your dentures no longer fit correctly. Dentures may also reduce your ability to taste food and cause infection if there is an improper fit.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dentures

How long does it take to get used to wearing dentures?

At first, your dentures may feel a bit strange. It will likely take a few weeks for you to feel comfortable with them in your mouth. In time, your dentures will feel so natural that you’ll forget you’re wearing them.

What types of foods can I eat with my dentures?

It will be much easier to eat with dentures than without teeth. Ideally, you’d stick to soft yet nutritious and tasty foods. We suggest applesauce, yogurt, mashed veggies, and broth. You should also cut foods into tiny pieces and stay away from anything that’s particularly hard, sticky, or chewy.

Will dentures affect my speech?

Many patients worry that dentures will cause them to speak differently. At first, your speech will be a bit different. It will take some time to enunciate clearly but after a while, you shouldn’t have any issues. Try to speak often when you first get your dentures so that you can get used to it right off the bat.

What can I do to keep my dentures stable?

Adhesives and pastes should keep your dentures stable. However, if they don’t do the trick, there’s another option. If we surgically insert dental implants into your jawbone, you’ll have a strong base for dentures. This will make everyday activities like talking and eating easier.

How much are dentures?

The cost of dentures varies. Of course, partial dentures are less expensive than a complete set. Our finance team will be happy to discuss pricing with you and design a customized payment plan if necessary. The cost ultimately depends on your unique needs.

What are dentures made of and how long do they last?

In most cases, dentures are made of acrylics or plastic. Just like any other oral appliance, dentures go through normal wear and tear. Your dentures may need to be replaced every five to eight years depending on their material and how you care for them.

Is there a way to whiten dentures?

There are a few ways to clean and whiten your dentures safely and effectively. You can scrub them gently with a soft bristled toothbrush. Since a toothbrush may be too harsh, denture cleaners are your best bet.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

How many teeth can dental implants replace?

Dental implants can replace one tooth, multiple teeth, or all of your teeth. We’ll let you know what makes the most sense for your unique situation.

Is dental implant surgery painful?

Dental implant surgery is a very tolerable procedure. You can manage any discomfort afterwards with an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen. Ice may help as well.

How do you care for dental implants?

We encourage you to treat your dental implants as if they were natural teeth. Brush and floss them every day. Visit your dentist or orthodontist for regular exams and cleanings. If you care for dental implants properly, they should last a lifetime.

How do I know if I need dental implants?

There are a number of reasons you may need dental implants. We’ll perform a complete oral exam and take x-rays of your jaws to determine if they’re right for your situation.

Contact Mile High Smiles

As you can see, there are pros and cons to dental implants and dentures. To find out which solution is right for you, schedule an appointment at our office by calling (303) 232-1830. We have assisted thousands in the Lakewood and Denver, Colorado area. We love all our patients and are pleased to see their new and improved smile after dentures or dental implants.

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